Zero Tolerance Policy

POLICY Definition

All current and prospective members have the right to be treated with dignity and respect. These rights are enforced by imposing sanctions for violations of the Fraternity’s policies and procedures. A cornerstone of the Fraternity’s Risk Management and Anti-Hazing policy is the prohibition of hazing.

Hazing within the Most Worshipful Prince Hall Grand Lodge, F. & A.M. of State of California, Inc., is strictly prohibited and constitutes a violation of California Penal Code § 245.6 (a-f), established in 2006. Any deviation from the approved ritual of this Jurisdiction that involves physical or mental hazing is explicitly forbidden. Under California law, hazing is a criminal offense, punishable by both criminal prosecution and civil liabilities. In 2024, under the direction of Grand Master Robert J. Eagle Spirit Sr., our Fraternity reaffirmed its total opposition to hazing with the publication of a tougher Anti-Hazing Policy and the implementation of new procedures to identify, investigate and punish violations.

Hazing will not be tolerated in any form.


Hazing, as defined by California Penal Code § 245.6 (a-f), includes, but is not limited to, any mental or physical requirements placed on an individual by a member of the Most Worshipful Prince Hall Grand Lodge, F. & A.M. of California, that cause discomfort, pain, or injury. Prohibited activities include, but are not limited to, striking, paddling, carrying heavy objects, threats of bodily harm, or any form of tyrannical, abusive, shameful, insulting, or humiliating treatment.

Hazing encompasses any action or situation, regardless of location, that creates mental or physical discomfort, embarrassment, harassment, or ridicule. This includes situations where individuals are subjected to involuntary servitude, often referred to as "personal favors," and any circumstance that could lead to such discomfort or distress.

Hazing is defined as an act or series of acts that include, but are not limited to:

  • Physical acts, such as hitting, striking, laying hands upon or threatening to do bodily harm to any individual(s), while acting in one’s capacity as a member.

  • Behavior which is directed against any individual(s) for the purpose of causing shame, abuse, insult, humiliation, intimidation or disgrace.

  • A variety of prohibited practices, including but not limited to, “underground hazing,” “financial hazing,” or “post-initiation pledging” during the Degree Process (DP).


Membership can only be obtained by completing the Fraternity’s official Membership Degree Process. Contact with current, suspended, or expelled members and/or activities outside of the official process are strictly prohibited.

It is a serious offense to engage in hazing or for a Candidate to submit to or allow themselves to be hazed in any manner. Additionally, it is a violation for any Mason or Candidate to knowingly observe hazing and fail to report it to the Grand Lodge. Acts of either commission or omission in hazing activities are subject to severe disciplinary action. Any Mason or Candidate accused of hazing will be immediately suspended and is at risk of expulsion. An offending Lodge may also face revocation of its Charter.


The Most Worshipful Prince Hall Grand Lodge of California makes every effort to fully disclose its Anti-Hazing Policy, by including but not limited to:

  • Training Lodges and Chapters on the Risk Management policies during workshops conducted before each chapter begins its Degree Process activities. Members involved in the Degree Process must promise to treat candidates with respect by signing a Commitment Statement that affirms they will not participate in hazing.

  • Distributing a letter to all candidates and Degree Process participants from the respective Most Worshipful Prince Hall Grand Lodge of California District Deputy that defines hazing and outlines procedures for reporting hazing incidents. This letter is also read audibly as part of the Degree Process agenda.

  • Providing all Degree Process participants with a copy of the Fraternity’s Anti-Hazing Policy.

  • Providing training to all members who participate in the Degree Process to ensure that all Degrees Process activities are conducted properly without hazing incidents. All members must take an Anti-Hazing class in order to be an active participant in any of the three symbolic degrees.


Any individual, lodge or chapter violation of The Most Worshipful Prince Hall Grand Lodge of California’s Anti-Hazing Policy will result in an individual’s suspension or expulsion, a lodge or chapter’s suspension or revocation of the lodge or chapter’s charter. A fine may also be imposed.

In addition, hazing activities may result in official discipline and the imposition of civil and criminal penalties for individuals, lodges and/or chapters.

Hazing Complaint Form

Responsibility to Intervene:

Any hazing activity compromises the health, welfare, and safety of all members. It is the responsibility of every member of The Most Worshipful Prince Hall Grand Lodge of California community to prevent hazing from occurring or from continuing.

MWPHGLCAL challenges every member of the Prince Hall community to NOTICE the behavior of their peers and INTERPRET it as a problem if someone is at risk for physical/psychological harm or personal degradation. We then ask every member of the community to feel RESPONSIBLE to act and then INTERVENE when/where safe to do so.

We encourage community members to know and use the 3Ds of Intervention:

  • Direct: Directly Intervening, in the moment and as its happening, to prevent a problem or situation from happening or becoming worse

  • Delegate: Seeking help from another individual, often someone who is in authority (police officer, advisor, chapter officer, friend, university official)

  • Distract: Interrupting the situation without directly confronting the offender

Reporting Hazing:

Anyone with information about hazing activities should report that information to the District Deputy or by submitting using the MWPHGLCAL Incident Report Form:

If you are looking to report an instance of hazing that is currently underway and needs immediate response, please contact MWPHGLCAL at (310) 825-1491 or call OFSL’s mobile phone at 213-598-4376.

MWPHGLCAL’s ability to investigate reported incidents, enforce the Fraternity’s expectations, and protect member’s and candidate’s safety depends on the accuracy and specificity of the information provided. You are encouraged to provide as much specific detail as possible so that appropriate action can be taken to address the reported behavior.

The form is not inherently anonymous as it does ask for a name and email address. You may create a non-identifiable email address/name to ensure anonymity, however, please be aware that the University may be unable to complete an investigation and/or hold students/organizations accountable without the ability to share and evaluate the source of the report for credibility.

Retaliation against any persons who reports misconduct, assists someone with a report of misconduct, or participates in any manner in an administrative review or resolution of a misconduct report is prohibited.